Books by John Bandler
I have written three books now. All had lots of help from expert readers, and are available for purchase at many outlets, including Amazon, through the publishers, and more.
I have authored online courses and built and improved courses for higher learning academic institutions (law school, graduate schools, undergraduate schools).
All are available for purchase at Amazon.
Read more about each on my main website at
The three books are:
- Policies and Procedures for Your Organization: Build solid governance documents on any topic ... including cybersecurity, by John Bandler
- Cybercrime Investigations: A Comprehensive Resource for Everyone, by John Bandler and Antonia Merzon
- Cybersecurity for the Home and Office: The Lawyer's Guide to Taking Charge of Your Own Information Security, by John Bandler
Articles by John Bandler
For an updated and more complete list of articles, visit
I have written articles that are externally published and that are found within this site,.
Main topics include:
- cybersecurity
- cybercrime
- privacy
- virtual currency (digital currency and cryptocurrency)
- law
- more
I write these various articles for reading by anyone to get reliable information and for me to share my research, thoughts, and perspective.
I also use them as references for:
- clients
- potential clients
- students in a course I teach at a college or university
- students taking an online course I built
- attendees at a speaking engagement or training
- anyone seeking reliable information
Many articles here are short and blog type, ideal for providing introductory information to a wide audience. It is nice to have this site to publish here when I want, improve it, and have it available for my own reference, for students, clients, and you.
I try to keep things updated but that is not always perfect.
If you don't see an article listed below, try <control><F> to find it on the page, try my site navigation page, or your search engine (e.g. Google).
Cybersecurity, cybercrime, privacy, technology
- Cybersecurity Tips from John Bandler (single page tip sheet)
- Introduction to Cybersecurity and Information Security
- Bandler's Four Pillars of Cybersecurity
- Cybersecurity forms for the home or small office
- The Three Priority Cybercrime Threats
- Cybercrime Frauds Involving Email and Funds Transfers (Email based funds transfer frauds, like business email compromise (BEC) and CEO fraud)
- Ransomware
- Data Breaches
- Cybersecurity Laws and Regulations Part 1 (general legal overview)
- Cybersecurity Laws and Regulations Part 2 (listing and brief summary of some laws and regulations)
- Cybersecurity Frameworks and Guidance
- Cybersecurity for the Home and Office (page about my first book and its main principles)
- Cybercrime Investigations (page about my second book)
- The Need for Improved Cybercrime Investigations: Why We Wrote This Book
- Cybersecurity, Privacy, You, and Your Organization
- New York Cybersecurity Requirements and the SHIELD Act
- Privacy, You, Your Organization, and the New NIST Privacy Framework
- Cybersecurity and Working from Home
- Technology at Home with Your Family During the Coronavirus Crisis
- Sextortion phishing- a type of cybercrime extortion fraud
- Virtual currency (e.g. cryptocurrency or virtual assets and "value that substitutes for currency")
- Free Starter Cybersecurity Policy
- Cybersecurity things to know
- Cybersecurity and Cybercrime Prevention
- Cybersecurity for attorneys
- See my online course on the CIPP/US privacy certification at Infosec
Governance and management of information assets and organizations
- Five Components for Policy Work
- Bandler's Three Platforms to Connect
- Bandler's Fourth Platform to Connect
- Policies and Procedures
- Internal Rules
- Internal Rules Planning
- Internal Rules Building
- ENTER: Five Steps for Governance Documents
- Policies, Procedures, and Governance of an Organization
- See my online course on Corporate Security Policies at InfoSec
Law (Introductory)
- Law
- Cyberlaw (and see the above section)
- Introduction to Law (an outline)
- U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights
- Free Speech, the First Amendment, and Social Media (2)
- Negligence Law
- Contract Law
- Business Basics and Law
- Intellectual Property Law (part 1 of a five part series)
- Premises Liability Law
For an updated and more complete list of articles, visit
Page updated 4/6/2024.